His most outstanding qualities are the incredible sense for volume and geometry, and his talent for imagine and create new things never seen before, like his famous technique “el trencadís”. But, the most impressive of Gaudi, is his memory and imagination that allowed him to think and make his projects without needing to do a plan.
It was firstly influenced by the neo-gothic art, but finally Gaudi enters on the modernism and becomes a prestige architect hired by the richest on Barcelona. It’s here, in the capital city of Catalonia, where he builds his most important and relevant projects like: La Pedrera, El Parc Güell, or Casa Batlló.
Like most geniuses, his death was also particularly. The 7 June, in the morning, when he went to the church, like every day, he was hit by a tram. For his dirty aspect, no one recognized him, and no one help him, only a vagabond that helped by the police, takes a taxi to take Gaudi from the hospital. 3 days later, the 10 June 1926, Antoni Gaudi dies in Barcelona.
I consider Gaudi like a genius because of all his projects makes in Barcelona, and around Catalonia. All of theirs are spectacularly different from the others things build before, and after him. Gaudi has the capacity to imagine estrange things and make it real without use plans, having all the information in his mind and also improvising at the same moment that the work is been done.
It’s still trying to finish the Sagrada Familia, one of his most important works, which he left unfinished when he death. The difficulty for finish this work, is a clear example of Gaudi’s prodigious mind, because he thought to finish it without planes, in a short period of time.
Judith Lopez. 2n L.
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