Saturday, 16 October 2010

Woody Allen

His real name is Allan Stewart Konigsberg, but we know him as Woody Allen. He was born the 1rst December 1935 in the USA. He is an American screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, jazz musician, author and playwright. To do his films and theatre pieces, Allen thinks about the different literature, sexuality, philosophy, psychology, Jewish identity (he can make jokes because he’s Jewish) ideas.
Allen is distinguished because he is a very good film director, he started doing some dramas and he moved to comedies in which women have a very special role. Then, he is very characteristic in the cinema’s world because he is very quick doing films, he does a film per year more or less and because in his films, the actress and actors that appear are always the same. One example is Scarlett Johansson. Then we could say that he acts in more than one film from him, like “Love and death”, “Manhattan” an others. At the same time he is screenwriter too. Moreover, we can find him in some European films. Nowadays, he is working in a film titled Midnight in Paris, with the French First Lady, Carla Bruni. The plot follows a family travelling to Paris for a business trip, and there is a shooting. The action takes place in Paris in the summer of 2010.
 But he doesn’t do only cinema, he is very interested in jazz music and he is a jazz clarinetist. Since he was very young, he played in some jazz festivals. He joined the Preservation Hall Jazz Band and the New Orleans Funeral Ragtime Orchestra in performances that provided the film score for his 1973 comedy “Sleeper, and performed in a rare European tour in 1996, which became the subject of the documentary Wild Man Blues. Then, he is an author, he writes some theater pieces and they’ve been published.
We have chosen this character because for us is a really genius. He is able to do a lot of things at the same time and he does them very well. We also believe that is one of the geniuses on cinema of XXI century and surely  of XXII century.

Pau Purroy and Judit Sansa 2nCB

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